Friday, 26 January 2007

Me, You and Everyone We Know (2005)

Dir: Miranda July

This is one of those films that only a writer/director could make. It is full of those wonderful, visual character moments which cannot be written or interpreted through a shared script - only imagined and determined through one mind. Miranda July, who also stars, has thrown together a brilliantly realised ensemble of characters - most of them younger children - in this surprising "romantic comedy". I say "romantic comedy" because it manages to subvert most of your expectations of that genre.
But don't watch this film because it's a rom-com - watch it because each and every character is played for real. Not a single rom-com "line" is responded to correctly and - from the teenagers who convince themselves reluctantly that they need to have sex to know about it, to the younger girl who has very seriously, secretly, planned her future marriage - every character answers their own personal momentum, rather than a constructed narrative cause and effect. To that end, I was fully engaged throughout.

A refreshing approach to a standard combo. Some of the ingredients were surprisingly delightful.

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